I am a producer at my church for the contemporary service.  In a nutshell, I run the lighting and ensure the services runs on schedule.

While pushing buttons and moving sliders is not too technical, producing a service can get stressful when things change or don’t work as expected.  And of course, power outages are always interesting to navigate during a church service.

You can see more of my church at the First Baptist of Geneva website.

Couldn’t pass up this photo opportuntiy


Mentoring the local high school robotics team is is a passion I didn’t know I had until my son joined in 2012.  No, it’s not BattleBots 🙂 but it is a lot of fun.

FIRST  is a program to introduce robotics to kids of all ages.  First Robotics Competition, which is the league our team competes in, is for high school aged students.

Each season is a different challenge.  The current one is called Steamworks where we shoot “Fuel” balls into a hopper, load a gear into an airship and climb a rope.  Yep, it’s steampunk based.  Prior years included stacking totes, throwing Frisbees, shooting large exercise balls and storming a castle.

I have been a mentor the team since my son was a sophomore and 2017 is my 5th season.  I help the kids with multimedia and social media as well as scouting at competitions.  Talk about satisfying!  There is a lot of joy in seeing the kids grow and take on challenges throughout the season.  I am continually amazed at their ingenuity, resilience and innovation.

To learn more about our team, check out GenevaRobovikes.com


Photography is one of those things that I have always done.  I’m that guy, way back when, that was taking photos of everything before smart phones came around.  Lately I have tried to “Pretty up” my photos more and displaying them on Flickr.

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While attending college, before I settled on IT, one of my many majors was History.  I took a Medieval History course and could not decide what topic to choose for my final paper.  The professor suggested Robin Hood and my lifelong interest in RH was born.

I have over 125 books in my collection and intend to keep adding as I can.  It helped that in my earlier years I managed an antiquarian bookstore called Abracadabra which provided access to many hard-to-find books.  Now with the internet the books are more readily available and I am slowly growing the collection.

BTW – Robin Hood never stole from the rich to give to the poor.  Contact me to find out how I know that.

Here are some of my books: